Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy New Year
To everyone. It is a big year for us. Scott is going in for his Stem Cell Transplant (hopefully, beds willing), on the 17th January. It starts with a Hickman Line being inserted. He will then receive chemotherapy every day until his bloods show he has no immune system. His stem cell (which were harvested in November) are then transplanted back into his body, hopefully kickstarting his Immune system. I will let you know how things go.


Sarah said...

happy new year to you too hun, wishing Scott every ounce of health and strength for his procedures this year xxx

Kirsty Wiseman said...

hey salls
it ages since I stopped by and then I read this :(
I hope everything goes ok... wish I could do something for you xx

Unknown said...

I've just stumbled across your blog- you have been having such a difficult time and i just wanted to wish you and your family all the best and hope that everything works out well for your son.x