Just a quick couple of piccies. I haven't updated my blog for some time. Life is hectic at the moment. With Unc dying so suddenly on March 29th it has thrown my life into turmoil. I am having to travel up and down to Worcester each week to shop etc. for my sister as she lives in the middle of nowhere and doesn't drive. Also, she has sunk into quite a deep depression and just literally sits all day doing nothing. I'm now worried cos I think she has fluid on her lungs as she is breathing odd and her ankles keep swelling up. Every time I mention the doctors she starts crying and saying I am stressing her out. So quite honestly, I don't know what to do.
Scott still hates having his picture taken at the moment. He is still recovering from his stem cell transplant and his hair hasn't grown back properly yet and his face is still a bit puffed up from the meds. Sneaked a couple though.
So this is Scott and Broxi.
So this is Scott and Broxi.