Wierd Day today
It is my mother in law's birthday today. She was diagnosed with Lewy Bodies Dementia last year - her hubby died a couple of months later, so she is now cared for in a Care Home. We went to see her to take her for lunch and I made her a card. She was, without a doubt, probably one of the most intelligent women I have met in my lifetime. She is widely travelled. Could complete the Times crossword over a cup of coffee. Having said all that, she would have described herself as a 'Homemaker'. She loved her home. She is now but the a shadow of her former self, and would be mortified if she knew I had to go into 'Ladies' with her, to help her with her knickers and tucking in her blouse and zipping up her zips. Life can be very cruel. I pray she doesn't drag on in this scary (for her) zone, that she doesn't understand, and has no return.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Heres my ickie Taggette.
What scrapbooking lines/products/etc. do you dislike.
I can honestly say. nothing. I try to see the good in most things and that includes stash. Not much out there that can't be used for something.
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to scrap?
It is still to be done. After losing my dad a couple of years ago, I really want to make books for my boys. Just can't do it still at the moment.
What technique do you use more than any other?
If you were to ask the girls at my local crop (Swindon), they would say Crackle Glaze. lol. This is cos it can be quite time consuming, and as I like to goss with the girls, it is something i can do all day and not have to concentrate too hard whilst chatting.
Ever been published?
I wish.
What's the smallest scrap of paper you save?
Got boxloads. If you can fit a pixie stamp on it, its saved. Having said that i rarely use half of it.
Ever had any scrapbooking-related injuries?
Not personally, although my friend jak fell down my front step whilst having armfuls of stash and pulling her trolley. Still swears I pushed her to this day. lol.
Finish the sentence "If I wasn't a scrapbooker, i would spend my money on....."
Spiritual books, crystals, reiki, classes and techniques.
Give us your best storage or organisational ideal.
I love my ickie craft mate thingy that carries all the boxes of small embellies. Took hours to fill, but now I feel quite saintly getting them out and looking through the little lids to see what Ive got.
You just won a week-long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who's going with you?
the girls from my crop. Might have to stow a couple of 'em away tho.
After you've answered the questions, tag six of your scrapbook buddies!!
hahahahahaha. watch out, theres a tagger about.
What scrapbooking lines/products/etc. do you dislike.
I can honestly say. nothing. I try to see the good in most things and that includes stash. Not much out there that can't be used for something.
What is the hardest thing you have ever had to scrap?
It is still to be done. After losing my dad a couple of years ago, I really want to make books for my boys. Just can't do it still at the moment.
What technique do you use more than any other?
If you were to ask the girls at my local crop (Swindon), they would say Crackle Glaze. lol. This is cos it can be quite time consuming, and as I like to goss with the girls, it is something i can do all day and not have to concentrate too hard whilst chatting.
Ever been published?
I wish.
What's the smallest scrap of paper you save?
Got boxloads. If you can fit a pixie stamp on it, its saved. Having said that i rarely use half of it.
Ever had any scrapbooking-related injuries?
Not personally, although my friend jak fell down my front step whilst having armfuls of stash and pulling her trolley. Still swears I pushed her to this day. lol.
Finish the sentence "If I wasn't a scrapbooker, i would spend my money on....."
Spiritual books, crystals, reiki, classes and techniques.
Give us your best storage or organisational ideal.
I love my ickie craft mate thingy that carries all the boxes of small embellies. Took hours to fill, but now I feel quite saintly getting them out and looking through the little lids to see what Ive got.
You just won a week-long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who's going with you?
the girls from my crop. Might have to stow a couple of 'em away tho.
After you've answered the questions, tag six of your scrapbook buddies!!
hahahahahaha. watch out, theres a tagger about.
Saturday, February 18, 2006

This is my 'take' based on this weeks challenge on UKS. It was based on Pancake Day (even tho' I did Red Nose Day) - well, I did say it was 'based' on this weeks challenge. Having downloaded The Gorgeous Elsie Flannigan's flower garden font from 2peas, and bought some flower stamps, I will admit I have gone a little bit Flower Power mad. Think Ive got it out of my system now though and will calm down a bit. However, I lurve those ickie flowers, so they will deffo be popping themselves into my layouts in the future, maybe just not quite as many. lol.
By the way, Ive been tagged by the lovely Chrissie. I'm a virgin tagger, so will have a think about it tonight and blog it tomorrow. (Thanks Chrissie, you're my first).
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Typing this with the gorgeous smell of braised lamb shanks wafting through the house. Have bought a new slow cooker, and it is wonderful. Chucked it all in this morning and we came home to the lovely aroma of our dinner already cooked. Yum. Popping a piccie of my Art Journal Cover on to remind me to actually fill the rest of it in.lol. Ordered a new Basic Grey pack and Daisy D pack with a few other bits from me ol mate Jaks last night, so really looking forward to getting me mitts on those little lurvelies. Spending the evening clearing out my scraproom, as I ended up stamping onto a piece of card last night with a space about 2" square, which was the only bit of space not covered in stash. So determined not to do anymore, until I clear up. urgh.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Well, continuing with my trying to participate and show my work more. I have done this weeks challenge on UKS. The theme was Love and we had to incorporate Red, Black,Gold and something oriental, so I have grabbed full points with this layout I have done of Scott and Janine. Really, really enjoyed doing this layout as I have used newly downloaded font made by elsiecake of 2peas, and I absolutely love em. Quite pleased with it.
Monday, February 13, 2006

Still feeling rough with this lousy cold. ggrrrr. However, I feel I am starting to get more involved lately with sharing my work and bits. Always felt a bit self conscious before (plus, my scanning and stitching leaves a lot to behold). Hopefully, the more I do, the better I will get. Have entered the House Challenge this month. The subject was France, so Janine sent me a couple of piccies of herself with Scott and her parents when they went to 'Gas' in the South of France, and this is the result. This week, I will also be putting my Art Journal on which will give me a kick up the pants to get January finished even though it is February. lol.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Feel really rough today. Caught this blooming virus that's going around. Throat and chest feel like sandpaper. So apart from work, not done too much today. Hoping to finish the page I am doing in me 'ol mate Jak's cj. It is her 70's cj and she has a spare page, so I am doing an entry. As we are Kirsty's groupies (she doesn't know it tho' so sshhhhhhh! ), I am copying the style of Kirsty and Elsiecake and doing loads of doodles and hand journalling. Told Jak she will need to call me Sallybun now. We both love their work. Will put a piccie on tomorrow when it is finished.
Friday, February 10, 2006

This is my new blog. I have tried before, and failed miserably. If at first, and all that malarkey, here I go again. I have called her (I think she is a she) Serendipity, as I hope to fill her with lots of interesting unexpected finds as well, no doubt, as moans, laughs and any other little ditties that come my way. Just keeping fingers crossed that I get the hang of it this time. Piccies are of my son Scott and his girlfriend Janine, and the other one is Matt, my youngest. They are very special to me and will probably feature a lot in my blog, so thought I'd show a piccie of them.
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