This is my 'take' based on this weeks challenge on UKS. It was based on Pancake Day (even tho' I did Red Nose Day) - well, I did say it was 'based' on this weeks challenge. Having downloaded The Gorgeous Elsie Flannigan's flower garden font from 2peas, and bought some flower stamps, I will admit I have gone a little bit Flower Power mad. Think Ive got it out of my system now though and will calm down a bit. However, I lurve those ickie flowers, so they will deffo be popping themselves into my layouts in the future, maybe just not quite as many. lol.
By the way, Ive been tagged by the lovely Chrissie. I'm a virgin tagger, so will have a think about it tonight and blog it tomorrow. (Thanks Chrissie, you're my first).
Hi Sally,
Great blog, love the colours and this is such a funny LO.
I love all the flowers! And thank you for calling me "lovely". Awww...I'm all chuffed now!
Chrissie x
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